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FOR YOUR 2 LONG Saya-DSC_6046 copy.jpg


Saya photoshoots are fun and exciting days

for your centre and staff as well as your families!

Saya Studio will photograph individual photos, class photos, family photos, staff photos, and centre photos.

We will always work with your centres requirements to fit in with your daily schedule and normal teaching day routines.


Before your photo days, we will create a base schedule so everything runs smoothly and efficiently. We love being organised but always keep photo day plans flexible.

During our photoshoots, our photographers pull out all our best Saya tricks to capture those bright smiles and cheeky personalities!

Your families will view their individual gallery with a password protected link and place orders through our simple and secure online ordering system.


Saya provides friendly customer support and will

assist your families with any queries from 'what to

wear' to 'how to place an order'. 

The Saya Studio Team can't wait

to work with yours!

Say HELLO for more information

Talk soon!

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